I won't write poetry today,
poetry is what people don't understand,
they attach it to themselves,
they derive their lives from it,
they think its for them,
some do a bit more,
they dare to dive into its depth,
to find pearls hidden in it,
to find rocks lying in it,
naive swimmers, sink,
then blame the poet,
for creating such an illusion,
who all did was, built a boat,
so they could sail,
but they chose, not to,
their choice kills all three of them...
poetry is what people don't understand,
they attach it to themselves,

they think its for them,
some do a bit more,
they dare to dive into its depth,
to find pearls hidden in it,
to find rocks lying in it,
naive swimmers, sink,
then blame the poet,
for creating such an illusion,
who all did was, built a boat,
so they could sail,
but they chose, not to,
their choice kills all three of them...