Tuesday, 13 December 2011
a shair....
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
main kyun aisa karta hoon...........

Saturday, 3 December 2011
Learn & let others learn: plzz...don't ignore me!!!!
plzz...don't ignore me!!!!
Please Don’t Ignore me
Dancing are the words in streets,
Let me repeat,
Dancing are the words in streets,
That I love you,
And if you think, I am spreading them,
Then let me tell you,
Its hundred per cent true,
You don’t love me,
Probably never will,
That I always knew,
So it’s not a tool to get you,
Neither a way to impress you,
But an expression of my love for you,
A feeling shared with a hope to reach you,
Don’t love,
Don’t do, if you don’t want to,
Though it’s a humble request,
Don’t ignore me too,
However all I want is that,
Whenever you pass by,
Just say Hi,
With a smile,
It will make you look more beautiful, me cheerful,
And eventually high
Don’t love me like a rose,
But don’t ignore me like its leaves,
Don’t love me, if you don’t want to,
Though please! Don’t ignore me too,
- Amit Saini